UltraScan Version


SOMO HPLC/KIN Module Concentration Detector Selection:

Last updated: June 2024

SOMO HPLC/KIN Concentration Detector panel

This utlity will allow to select the type of detector and to enter its calibration constant. Two types of concentration detector are currently supported, UV and refractive index. The used detector can be selected by clicking on either of the two Detector type: checkboxes and entering the calibration constant converting their signal in the proper units (absorbance or dRI) in the fields to their right:

UV Calibration constant: (in the picture above, 0.001 is entered because the used UV detector provides an output in milliAU)

RI Calibration constant:

Quit will abort the operation.

Save will permanently associate the type of detector to the HPLC/KIN module (it can be changed by re-accessing the Concentration detector module and chosing again, followed by Save).

Keep will temporarily associate the type of detector to the HPLC/KIN module.

www contact: Emre Brookes

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Last modified on June 25, 2024