UltraScan Version


SOMO - Fractal Dimension Calculation Options

Last updated: June 2024

SOMO Fractal Dimension Calculator Options

The calculation of the fractal dimension of macromolecules from their atomic structure is a new feature available from the July 2024 US-SOMO release. It was implemented during an investigation into the reason behind the relatively small differences in computing the hydrodynamic parameters between the GRPY and ZENO methods (see the "History" section in the main US-SOMO Help), but it could find other applications, and for this reason it is offered to the general user.

The first section of this panel present the general Fractal Dimension options:

In the second section, some common parameters for the Box Mass and Mass fractal D methods are set:

SOMO FD Box and Mass common parameters

In the third section, additional parameters for the Mass fractal D method are set:

SOMO FD Mass additional parameters

In the last section, the parameters for the Surface fractal D method are set:

SOMO FD Surface parameters

www contact: Emre Brookes

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Last modified on June 13, 2024